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Indigo plant seedling giveaway + talk on natural dyes with Graham Keegan: Friday May 25th, 5-6pm

  • Pocket Park-7 Points 1128 North Wood Avenue Florence, AL, 35630 United States (map)

Textile and natural dye artist Graham Keegan will be giving a talk on natural dyes, and giving away free indigo plant seedlings at the Pocket Park in 7 Points. Join us for this free lecture, get free seedlings for your garden, and learn to grow your own dye!

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Graham Keegan is a textile designer working exclusively with natural dyes. Having learned to dye through study of the historical record and lots of hands-on experience, he now teaches others to dye. Graham advocates for the use of natural color by distributing dye plants, seeds, books and kits. He specializes in print design using traditional block-print and hand cut stencil techniques. His prints are used by boutique designers and international brands for garments, home goods, accessories and wallpapers.

To learn more about Graham’s work, visit his website here:

In May and June of 2018, Graham is traveling across the United States, hosting indigo events: free plant giveaways, cocktail parties, drop-in dye sessions and full fledged indigo workshops. At each stop, indigo clippings, ready to grow into full dye plants, will be available for free to anyone attending.


Earlier Event: December 9
The Market at Pepper Place